9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (2024)

These are fun ways to party with your favorite people.

By Kellie Walton
9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (1)

Galentine’s Day is dedicated to all things friendship, serving as an annual opportunity to gather the gang together to show some love. There’s no rulebook for when or how to observe Galentine’s Day, though the unofficial holiday falls on February 13. Many opt for a glitzy dinner out or a cozy night in, with tasty co*cktails and chocolatey treats usually on the menu. If you’re gathering with your galentines this year, we’ve rounded up nine unique party ideas to ensure a celebration filled with love.


“Board” Night

9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (2)

Elevate a potluck-style party by hosting a “board” night, where everyone can make a themed grazing board for the group to snack on. Go the traditional route with a styled charcuterie spread, or get creative with boards topped with things like desserts, junk food, fruits and vegetables, breakfast favorites, and so much more.


Color Party

Who says February should be limited to pink and red? Paint your Galentine's celebration in different hues by assigning each guest a specific color, instructing them to bring a food item following the theme. Purple can bring berry-flavored bites and co*cktails, orange can bring mac and cheese and mimosas, red can bring charcuterie and wine, and once all your guests arrive, you’ll have a stunning (and delicious) rainbow spread.


Anti-Valentine’s Party

9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (4)

Valentine’s Day can be a sensitive subject for some, placing an unwanted spotlight on lonely hearts and unsavory exes. Gather your Galentines for an anti-love party this year, where you can enjoy all the same sips and sweets while simultaneously denouncing the traditional celebrations. Host this party funeral-style, with plenty of black decor and indulgent food to mourn the loss of love and celebrate the life of great friends.

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Wine Tasting

9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (5)

Who says you need to wander off to wine country to do a great tasting? Host your own this year by encouraging your Galentines to bring their favorite bottle. If you prefer to make it a competition, instruct everyone to bring two bottles of the same wine, then host a blind taste test where you all submit scores based on metrics like taste, smell, appearance, and body. Whoever brings the winning wine gets to take home everyone’s second bottle as a prize.


Private Cooking Class

9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (6)

Tap into your local community and hire a chef to lead an in-home cooking class. This provides both an activity and a meal for your Galentine’s Day celebration and is sure to provide memories and lessons that’ll last a lifetime. Bonus points if you’re able to secure matching aprons.


Book Swap

9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (7)

Whether your friend group is packed with bookworms or the squad has a reading resolution for 2024, host a Galentine’s Day party where each guest is instructed to bring their favorite book from a specific genre (romance is a great option for February). This can be the gift that keeps on giving, as you'll have a huge list of books to get to, and can pass around copies.

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Pajama Party

9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (8)

Who doesn’t love a PJ party?! Make this year’s Galentine’s Day celebration extra relaxing by instructing guests to arrive in their comfies, accompanied by a spread of breakfast favorites. A waffle bar, fresh fruit, coffee cake, and mimosas can be enjoyed all hours of the day, whether it's a Sunday brunch or a Friday night in.


Tea Party

9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (9)

Pinky’s out! Host an elegant soirée for Galentine’s Day, complete with frilly dresses, finger sandwiches, and cups of tea served in your finest china. We all love an excuse to dress up, and a tea party theme lets the group break out their floral dresses in the middle of February. After all, spring is right around the corner.


Spa Party

9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (10)

Treat the gang to an evening of relaxation with an at-home spa party, complete with face masks, nail painting and healthy snacks. For an even more immersive experience, round out the gathering with touches like juice shots, flavored water, and encouraging intention-setting to reset and recenter as winter comes to a close.

9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (11)

Kellie Walton

Freelance Writer

Kellie Walton is a freelance writer based in Nashville, Tennessee. When she’s not eating and adventuring her way around the world, she’s busy telling stories related to all things travel – including city guides, hotel and restaurant recommendations, travel hacks and tales of her own adventures (and misadventures).

9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day (2024)


9 Unique Party Ideas for Galentine’s Day? ›

Secret Valentine or Secret Cupid is just like Secret Santa. You and your friends write down your names and throw all the papers into a hat, a basket, a pan, whatever. Then each of you draws a name and gets a gift for that person. It's important that no one knows who drew who.

How do you throw a fun Galentines party? ›

  1. Get excited about a theme. Sleeper Party Pajama Set with Detachable Feathers. ...
  2. Arrange your own flowers.
  3. Make fondue.
  4. Plan a "my favorite things" product swap. ...
  5. Pick a signature co*cktail.
  6. Invest in (themed, duh) balloons.
  7. Make personalized goodie bags.
  8. Host an at-home mani-pedi night.
Feb 9, 2024

What is the secret Cupid for Galentines day? ›

Secret Valentine or Secret Cupid is just like Secret Santa. You and your friends write down your names and throw all the papers into a hat, a basket, a pan, whatever. Then each of you draws a name and gets a gift for that person. It's important that no one knows who drew who.

What to do at a Galentines sleepover? ›

A perfect occasion for a girls-only sleepover, the checklist includes pajamas, pillow, and blanket, an overnight bag, and a sleep mask. Activities like floral arranging, vision boards, board games, and spa night add to the fun.

How to host a Galentines brunch? ›

For a Galentine's brunch, you can bring food items like cute snacks, desserts (topped with heart sprinkles, of course), healthy meals, drink mixers or mocktails. You can also bring handmade cards or gifts for each of your friends, and of course you have to bring your love!

How to host a Galentines Day party? ›

Your Ultimate Guide for Hosting an Amazing Galentine's Day Party
  1. Consider a Theme. ...
  2. Send Your Invitations. ...
  3. Start Shopping for Fun Decorations. ...
  4. Build the Ultimate Bar. ...
  5. Create a Menu Full of Heart-Shaped Treats. ...
  6. Set Up a Craft Corner to Make Galentine's Day Cards. ...
  7. A DIY Photo Booth Will Help You Take the Best Pictures.
Feb 2, 2024

How can I make my party more fun? ›

20 Fun Things to Do at Any Party
  1. 01 of 20. Have a Themed Dance-Off. ...
  2. 02 of 20. Plan an At-Home Trivia Night. ...
  3. 03 of 20. Opt for Board Games. ...
  4. 04 of 20. Turn Your Place Into a Casino. ...
  5. 05 of 20. On a Budget? ...
  6. 06 of 20. Put on a Scavenger Hunt. ...
  7. 07 of 20. Throw a Pizza- or Cheeseboard-Making Party. ...
  8. 08 of 20.
Jul 5, 2022

What is the bro version of Galentine? ›

What Is Malentine's Day? Malentine's day is a day for men to meet up and celebrate their amazing friendship. It is a happy, celebratory day, the male equivalent of Galentine's day.

Who made up Galentine's day? ›

Instead, Galentine's Day was founded by a badass fictional character: Leslie Knope of Parks and Recreation. The friend-filled holiday dates back over a decade to season two, episode 16 of Parks and Rec.

Is Cupid a girl or a boy? ›

For the Romans, the character of Cupid was always a cherubic little boy who followed his mother's wishes to make people fall in love.

What are the rules for Galentines day? ›

Grown out of the success of Galentine's Day to include everybody, there are no rules or particular customs, it's just a day to appreciate platonic love and the friends in your life by spending time together and doing things you like.

What do you bring to a Galentine's party? ›

It is the greatest day of the year, after all!
  • Red Velvet Cake Mix Cinnamon Rolls (pictured above)
  • Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Bars.
  • Red Velvet Sugar Cookies.
  • Chocolate Strawberry Jelly Roll.
  • Grand Champagne co*cktail.
  • Red Velvet Whoopie Pies.
  • Chocolate Covered Strawberries.
  • Strawberry Macarons.

What are the colors of Galentines? ›

A pink and red printed dress is the perfect choice for a Galentine's Day celebration. The playful combination of pink and red is both feminine and fun, making it the perfect choice for a day spent with your besties.

What is a Galentines day Party? ›

February 13 is the day to gather your gals together to celebrate friendship with festive flair. The best Galentine's Day ideas incorporate things your friends love into the day, like thoughtful Galentine's day gifts, a delicious meal or an adventure. Ready to learn how to host a Galentine's Day party for the ages?

When should I have a Galentines party? ›

Before you break out the roses and wine for your significant other come February 14, it's time to celebrate your very best gal pals on February 13 a.k.a Galentine's Day.

What food is Galentine? ›

In French cuisine, galantine (French: [galɑ̃tin]) is a dish of boned, stuffed meat, most commonly poultry or fish, that is usually poached and served cold, often coated with aspic. Galantines are often stuffed with forcemeat, and pressed into a cylindrical shape.

How do people celebrate Galentines day? ›

Galentine's Day: 5 ways to celebrate the day

To do so, girls can organise a party for their loved ones or just plan a dinner at home. -Another way to celebrate the day can be by giving them small presents or leaving an appreciation note for them.

When should you host a Galentines party? ›

Though you can host the festivities on any day you'd like, it's typically celebrated on February 13th, just before Valentine's Day. It's the perfect reason to get together with all of your favorite people and show your gratitude for the laughter and love they bring into your life each and every day.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.