Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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I’m a FTM and all this information is so overwhelming. I’m not going to pay for something like Taking Cara Babies, but I’ve lightly researched as things come up with my guys sleep schedule.

Now all of this stuff about sleep regressions is super stressing me out so I’m thinking about just letting it happen and going with the flow. The heck did we do before all this stuff existed anyway?

Anyone else or am I insane?

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yeah, only thing i do is look at how long shes been awake, sometimes she gets herself all worked up and sometimes its from overtired. so thats all i do. i dont track sleeps or wakewindows and im not sleep training, just doing what she wants.

only thing i track is bottles, times and amount so i can see shes having enough milk daily x

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It definitely depends what works for you. As a STM I didn’t think I needed any of that and quickly realized I do way better with structure so I went back to tracking times on Huckleberry and referencing talking cara babies - but as much as I’m an advocate for those services and used them religiously with my first (and now again) - you definitely don’t need to pay for anything. The free information is all you need!

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Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (26)



thank you for this information ��

Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (27) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (28) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (29) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (30) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (31) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (32)


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thanks for the reminder about this book, it’s been on my (neverending) TBR list since pregnancy but think it’d be perfect timing to read it now

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Yup. I’m in the thick of the 4mo regression right now but I’m just tracking wake ups and when I last fed him more so that when he’s fussing during the day I have an idea of what the reason is. Hoping that if I just ride it out the sleep will come back…����

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currently us too��

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Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (52)


I’m a ftm and I’ve been doing the same thing!! Just making sure my baby is eating enough and is getting the rest she needs is all that matters to me currently. I think maybe when she starts getting a little bit older like toddler age or a little bit before trying to get a schedule in but at this moment we are following her cues.

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Same its all overwhelming lmao. He does really well with sleep rn with our current routine so i wont try to fix what isnt broken. I bought the baby wise book while pregnant and never even flipped to the front page lol. Im getting anxiety just thinking about it ��

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Same here! Bebe has slept through the night since a few weeks old and naps well during the day so haven’t felt the need to implement anything. In saying that she is 4 months old next week so perhaps that will bring a change? I just try to keep track of feed times and loosely of wake times but am moreso just guided by her. I am off work until she’s 1 though so I figure there’s time if schedule changes are needed closer to when returning to work.

Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (65) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (66) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (67) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (68) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (69) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (70)


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Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (71)


Yep. This is our 6th and never really looked into or researched any of this. Just took everything day by day.

I told my husband this morning baby has been waking every 1.2hr in MOTN for 4 days straight and it’s probably his 4 month sleep regression he looked at me like I was crazy �� we never put a label on issues like this and now that we know what it is we both were like “did our other 5 children go through this too”

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I feel you! My approach was loose for the first few months but I’ve started some light tracking of wake windows just to know roughly when to look out for tired cues, lessen stimulation if she isn’t showing cues after being awake too long, and to help me if I've lost track of time. I introduced this when she started to need more help with daytime naps and she is sleeping better. Take a similar approach to feeds - although her hunger cues are obvious lol! I actually started tracking all of her sleep on this platform, to see if any clear patterns emerge this month and help decide if I want to start introducing more of a nap routine next month and what it might look like. But I don't want to be super regimented unless my baby shows signs that she responds well to that kind of approach.

Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (78) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (79) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (80) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (81) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (82) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (83)


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I’m just here to say don’t stress about regressions. I feel like that’s all you/see read on this app. But in reality, all babies are different and not every baby will go through every regression. My first NEVER regressed. The only times she has trouble with sleep are ear infections or illness, and she’s 2.5. If it happens, you’ll get through it, but don’t stress about it unnecessarily

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similar, we didn’t experience sleep regressions with my first. She slept from 9pm-6am from 12w and her only “off” nights were related to illness. We didn’t even have any teething disturbances ����‍♀️ she’s 2y8m now

Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (91) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (92) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (93) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (94) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (95) Anyone else thinking about not thoroughly looking into sleep training, wake windows, sleep cycles, etc. and just trusting their mo - March 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (96)


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same! We didn’t experience any regression with my first either. We just always had a pretty solid routine and stuck with it and maybe that helped? Who knows but I am trying to not even think about it with my second!

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