Pumpkin Feta Tart - Vegetarian Homemade Pie Recipe EASY Step by Step (2024)

Home » Pumpkin Feta Tart – Vegetarian Homemade Pie Recipe

by Matt Dobson

Get ready for the reactions when everyone smells the delicious aroma of this Vegetarian Pumpkin Feta Tart / Pie recipe cooking in the oven.

Pumpkin Feta Tart - Vegetarian Homemade Pie Recipe EASY Step by Step (1)

Visually the Pumpkin Feta Tart has a real WOW factor too it’s one very attractive pumpkin pie. It just looks special and would make a fabulous centrepiece if you were hosting for vegetarians.

Pumpkin Feta Tart - Vegetarian Homemade Pie Recipe EASY Step by Step (2)

The tart looks like a giant orange rose pie prior to cooking in the pie in the oven!

I found that when I tried slicing the pumpkin by hand the slices were irregular in thickness and much too thick. So I used a food processor instead.

Vegetarian Pumpkin Feta Tart Secrets

The use of puff pastry in this recipe gives the pie a real homely feeling.

I love using crispy puff pastry for my tart and pie recipes. I really feel that tarts, pies and rolls taste better when they have a sheet of puff pastry wrapped around then.

All those delicious layers of flaky pastry around the pumpkin pie. Yum, you can’t go wrong.

Pumpkin Feta Tart - Vegetarian Homemade Pie Recipe EASY Step by Step (4)

Pumpkin Feta Tart - Vegetarian Homemade Pie Recipe

What’s cooking, good looking! That’s how I was greeted when hubby arrived at home to smell the delicious aroma of this Pumpkin Feta Tart.

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Course: Dinner, Entrée, Side Dish

Cuisine: American, Australian

Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 45 minutes minutes

Total Time: 1 hour hour 5 minutes minutes

Servings: 6

Calories: 290kcal

Author: Matt Dobson


  • 100 gm puff pastry 2 sheets
  • 650 gm pumpkin peeled
  • 200 gm creamy lemmos feta cheese
  • 1 sprig rosemary
  • 5 whole egg
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 tbsp ground pepper to taste
  • 300 ml pouring cream
  • 1 whole egg
  • 1 tbsp spray oil

Metric - Us "Imperial"


  • Heat oven to 200 degree Celsius

  • Remove the puff pastry from the freezer and allow to defrost.

  • Spray a pie dish with oil.

  • Line the pie dish with pastry and trim any excess pastry from the sides.

  • Beat one of the eggs in a small bowl.

  • Apply the egg wash to the sides of the pastry.

  • Line the centre of the pastry shell with a little bit of baking paper and add pie weights to the centre.

  • Bake the pie shell blind until it is lightly coloured.

  • Remove the pie weights and reserve the partially cooked pie crust.

  • Reduce the oven temperature to 170 degree celsius.

  • Using a food processor or mandolin slice all the pumpkin into thin wedges.

  • Crumble half the feta cheese over the pie crust.

  • Arrange the pumpkin slices in a circular pattern around the pie. Start at the outside and work your way inwards.

  • Crumble more feta over the tart.

  • Grate the cloves of garlic over the tart and add the rosemary leaves.

  • In a large bowl add the cream and eggs. Beat with an egg whisk until combined.

  • Season the egg mixture with salt and pepper.

  • Slowly pour the egg mixture around the tart making sure it gets in between all the layers of pumpkin.

  • Bake until the tart is set. between 40 - 50 mins. checking until set.

  • *If the outside crust is browning too quickly add a cover made of al-foil to the top of the pie crust.


Serving: 100g | Calories: 290kcal | Carbohydrates: 17g | Protein: 3g | Fat: 23g | Saturated Fat: 11g | Cholesterol: 59mg | Sodium: 62mg | Potassium: 440mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 3g | Vitamin A: 9730IU | Vitamin C: 10.4mg | Calcium: 63mg | Iron: 1.4mg

I decided to make this dish because I had been noticing spiralled vegetable tarts popping up on Pinterest. The only problem was, I didn’t feel they would have the intense flavour I like in my meals.

Pumpkin Feta Tart - Vegetarian Homemade Pie Recipe EASY Step by Step (5)

I then added a strong, creamy cheese. I thought about adding basil because I love pumpkin and basil, but hubby likes rosemary.

We have Rosemary growing wild in our garden so it was an obvious choice. I am really happy with the rosemary favour. I think it suits that comfort food feel of a pumpkin pie.

Pumpkin Feta Tart - Vegetarian Homemade Pie Recipe EASY Step by Step (6)

I served the Pumpkin and Feta Tart with some extra creamy feta cheese sprinkled over the top.

I also added some more fresh leaves from the rosemary sprigs.

I would love for you to try this recipe, rosemary, feta and pumpkin are a match made in heaven!

Pumpkin Feta Tart - Vegetarian Homemade Pie Recipe EASY Step by Step (7)

Note: Now, you may have noticed I have specified a Smooth Creamy Feta in the recipe. I will only be using brand names of products where I feel it is appropriate or necessary.

Pumpkin Feta Tart - Vegetarian Homemade Pie Recipe EASY Step by Step (8)

Don’t forget to add this scrumptious Vegetarian Pumpkin and Feta Tart to your favourite Pinterest pie board!


Pumpkin Feta Tart - Vegetarian Homemade Pie Recipe EASY Step by Step (2024)
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