Python cmds.connectAttr函数代码示例 - 纯净天空 (2024)

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本文整理汇总了Python中maya.cmds.connectAttr函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python connectAttr函数的具体用法?Python connectAttr怎么用?Python connectAttr使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: createJointOnCurveByLength

def createJointOnCurveByLength( multRate, distNode=True ): sels = sl=1 ) curveSetInst = CreateJointOnCurveSet() curveInfo = cmds.createNode( 'curveInfo' ) returnTargets = [] for sel in sels: selCurve = cmds.listRelatives( sel, s=1 ) if not selCurve: continue selCurve = selCurve[0] cmds.connectAttr( selCurve+'.local', curveInfo+'.inputCurve', f=1 ) length = cmds.getAttr( curveInfo+'.arcLength' ) curveSetInst.setJointNum( int( length * multRate ) ) curveSetInst.setCurve( selCurve ) joints = curveSetInst.create( distNode ) returnTargets.append( joints ) return returnTargets


示例2: nucleus_

def nucleus_(self, name = ''):nucleus = cmds.createNode('nucleus')if name:nucleus = cmds.rename(nucleus, name)cmds.connectAttr('time1.outTime', '%s.currentTime' % nucleus)return nucleus


示例3: switch

def switch(node,attr,value=0,inputNames=list(),inputValues=list()): ''' :param node: :param attr: :param value: :param inputName: :param inputValues: :return: ''' attrName = "{0}.{1}".format(node,attr) choiceName = "{0}_{1}_switch".format(node,attr) cmds.createNode("choice",name=choiceName) cmds.addAttr(node,ln=attr,at="enum",en=":".join(inputNames),dv=value,keyable=True) for i in range(len(inputValues)): choiceAttr = "output{0}".format(i) cmds.addAttr(choiceName,ln=choiceAttr,at="double3") cmds.addAttr(choiceName,ln="{0}x".format(choiceAttr),at="double",p=choiceAttr,dv=inputValues[i][0]) cmds.addAttr(choiceName,ln="{0}y".format(choiceAttr),at="double",p=choiceAttr,dv=inputValues[i][1]) cmds.addAttr(choiceName,ln="{0}z".format(choiceAttr),at="double",p=choiceAttr,dv=inputValues[i][2]) cmds.connectAttr("{0}.{1}".format(choiceName,choiceAttr),"{0}.input[{1}]".format(choiceName,i)) cmds.connectAttr(attrName,"{0}.selector".format(choiceName),f=True) return "{0}.output".format(choiceName)


示例4: _bind_joint_setup

 def _bind_joint_setup(self): """Skinweight the nurbs curve which affects the nurbs surface.""" skn = cmds.skinCluster(self.nrbcurve, self.joints, tsb=True, nw=1, sm=0, bm=0, mi=1, dr=10)[0] bindpose = cmds.listConnections('%s.bindPose' % skn)[0] cmds.connectAttr('%s.showHistory' % self.mod_grp, '%s.ihi' % skn) cmds.connectAttr('%s.showHistory' % self.mod_grp, '%s.ihi' % bindpose)


示例5: _publish_gpu_for_item

 def _publish_gpu_for_item(self, item, output, work_template, primary_publish_path, sg_task, comment, thumbnail_path, progress_cb): """ Export a gpu cache for the specified item and publish it to Shotgun. """ group_name = item["name"].strip("|") debug(app = None, method = '_publish_gpu_for_item', message = 'group_name: %s' % group_name, verbose = False) tank_type = output["tank_type"] publish_template = output["publish_template"] # get the current scene path and extract fields from it using the work template: scene_path = os.path.abspath(cmds.file(query=True, sn= True)) fields = work_template.get_fields(scene_path) publish_version = fields["version"] # update fields with the group name: fields["grp_name"] = group_name ## create the publish path by applying the fields with the publish template: publish_path = publish_template.apply_fields(fields) #'@asset_root/publish/gpu/{name}[_{grp_name}].v{version}.abc' gpuFileName = os.path.splitext(publish_path)[0].split('\\')[-1] fileDir = '/'.join(publish_path.split('\\')[0:-1]) debug(app = None, method = '_publish_gpu_for_item', message = 'gpuFileName: %s' % gpuFileName, verbose = False) ## Now fix the shaders shd.fixDGForGPU() if cmds.objExists('CORE_ARCHIVES_hrc'): cmds.setAttr('CORE_ARCHIVES_hrc.visiblity', 0) if cmds.objExists('ROOT_ARCHIVES_DNT_hrc'): cmds.setAttr('ROOT_ARCHIVES_DNT_hrc.visiblity', 0) ## build and execute the gpu cache export command for this item: try: print '=====================' print 'Exporting gpu now to %s\%s' % (fileDir, gpuFileName) #PUT THE FILE EXPORT COMMAND HERE = True) for geo in cmds.listRelatives(group_name, children = True): if 'geo_hrc' in geo: geoGroup = str(group_name) debug(app = None, method = '_publish_gpu_for_item', message = 'geoGroup: %s' % geoGroup, verbose = False) debug(app = None, method = '_publish_gpu_for_item', message = 'geoGroup: %s' % geoGroup, verbose = False) debug(app = None, method = '_publish_gpu_for_item', message = "gpuCache -startTime 1 -endTime 1 -optimize -optimizationThreshold 40000 -directory \"%s\" -fileName %s %s;" % (fileDir, gpuFileName, geoGroup), verbose = False) mel.eval("gpuCache -startTime 1 -endTime 1 -optimize -optimizationThreshold 40000 -directory \"%s\" -fileName %s %s;" % (fileDir, gpuFileName, geoGroup)) print 'Finished gpu export...' print '=====================' if cmds.objExists('dgSHD'): ## Now reconnect the FileIn nodes for key, var in filesDict.items(): cmds.connectAttr('%s.outColor' % key, '%s.color' % var) except Exception, e: raise TankError("Failed to export gpu cache file")


示例6: connect

def connect( self, obj, slot=None ):'''performs the actual connection of an object to a connect slot'''if not cmd.objExists(obj):return -1#if the user is trying to connect the trigger to itself, return zero which is the reserved slot for the triggerif apiExtensions.cmpNodes( self.obj, obj ):return 0if slot is None:slot = self.nextSlot()if slot <= 0:return 0#make sure the connect isn't already connected - if it is, return the slot numberexistingSlots = self.isConnected(obj)if existingSlots:return self.getConnectSlots(obj)[0]conPrefix = 'zooTrig'prefixSize = len(conPrefix)slotPath = "%s.%s%d" % (self.obj, conPrefix, slot)if not objExists( slotPath ):cmd.addAttr(self.obj,ln= "%s%d" % (conPrefix, slot), at='message')cmd.connectAttr( "%s.msg" % obj, slotPath, f=True )self.cacheConnect( slot )return slot


示例7: setCage

 def setCage(self, node): meshes = pm.selected( type="transform" ) if not meshes: return shape=meshes[-1].getShapes()[0] cmds.connectAttr(shape+".worldMesh[0]",".cageMesh") self.updateUI()


示例8: BindSkeletons

def BindSkeletons(source, dest, method='connect'): ''' From 2 given root joints search through each hierarchy for child joints, match them based on node name, then connect their trans/rots directly, or parentConstrain them. Again cmds for speed ''' sourceJoints = cmds.listRelatives(source, ad=True, f=True, type='joint') destJoints = cmds.listRelatives(dest, ad=True, f=True, type='joint') if cmds.nodeType(source) == 'joint': sourceJoints.append(source) if cmds.nodeType(dest) == 'joint': destJoints.append(dest) attrs = ['rotateX', 'rotateY', 'rotateZ', 'translateX', 'translateY', 'translateZ'] for sJnt, dJnt in MatchGivenHierarchys(sourceJoints, destJoints): if method == 'connect': for attr in attrs: try: cmds.connectAttr('%s.%s' % (sJnt, attr), '%s.%s' % (dJnt, attr), f=True) except: pass elif method == 'constrain': try: cmds.parentConstraint(sJnt, dJnt, mo=True) except: pass


示例9: __setup_sculpt_shader

 def __setup_sculpt_shader(self): #--- this method setups the sculpt shader color #--- list all the shader names shader_list = ['sculptShaderGreen'] #--- check if shader exists, else create a new one for s in range(len(shader_list)): if cmds.objExists(shader_list[s]): #--- check which mesh is selected self.shader = shader_list[0] self.shader_set = shader_list[0] + '3SG' else: #--- create the lambert shader self.shader = cmds.shadingNode('lambert', asShader = True, name = shader_list[0]) self.shader_set = cmds.sets(self.shader, renderable = True, noSurfaceShader = True, empty = True, name = shader_list[0] + '3SG') cmds.connectAttr(self.shader + '.outColor', self.shader_set + '.surfaceShader', force = True) #--- change the color cmds.setAttr(self.shader + '.color', 0, 1, 1) #--- assign the shader to the sculpt_mesh cmds.sets(self.sculpt_mesh, forceElement = self.shader_set)


示例10: ShapeInverterCmdold

def ShapeInverterCmdold(base=None, corrective=None, name=None): mc.undoInfo(openChunk=True) if not base or not corrective: sel = base, corrective = sel shapes = mc.listRelatives(base, children=True, shapes=True) for s in shapes: if mc.getAttr("%s.intermediateObject" % s) and mc.listConnections("%s.worldMesh" % s, source=False): origMesh = s break deformed = mc.polyPlane(ch=False)[0] mc.connectAttr("%s.worldMesh" % origMesh, "%s.inMesh" % deformed) mc.setAttr("%s.intermediateObject" % origMesh, 0) mc.delete(deformed, ch=True) mc.setAttr("%s.intermediateObject" % origMesh, 1) if not name: name = "%s_inverted#" % corrective invertedShape = duplicateMesh(base, name=name) deformer = mc.deformer(invertedShape, type="ShapeInverter")[0] mc.ShapeInverterCmd(baseMesh=base, invertedShape=invertedShape, ShapeInverterdeformer=deformer, origMesh=deformed) # correctiveShape = duplicateMesh(base,name=corrective+"_corrective#") # mc.connectAttr('%s.outMesh' % getShape(correctiveShape), '%s.correctiveMesh' % deformer) # transferMesh(corrective,[correctiveShape]) mc.connectAttr("%s.outMesh" % getShape(corrective), "%s.correctiveMesh" % deformer) mc.setAttr("%s.activate" % deformer, True) mc.delete(deformed) bdingBx = mc.polyEvaluate(corrective, boundingBox=True) xDifVal = bdingBx[0][1] - bdingBx[0][0] # mc.move(xDifVal*1.10,correctiveShape,r=True,moveX=True) mc.move(xDifVal * 2.20, invertedShape, r=True, moveX=True) mc.undoInfo(closeChunk=True) return invertedShape # ,correctiveShape


示例11: connectMovedDriverToFixedNode

 def connectMovedDriverToFixedNode(self): targetMesh = self._targetMesh node = getBlendAndFixedShapeNode( targetMesh ) attrs = [] for driver, attr in self._driverAndAttr: value0 = cmds.getAttr( driver+'.'+attr ) attrs.append( driver+'.'+attr ) self._connectIndices = [] self._connectWeights = [] for attr in attrs: blendAndFixedShapeCons = cmds.listConnections( attr, type='blendAndFixedShape' ) if not blendAndFixedShapeCons: targetIndex = fnc.getLastIndex( node+'.driverWeights' )+1 cmds.connectAttr( attr, node+'.driverWeights[%d]' % targetIndex ) self._connectIndices.append( targetIndex ) self._connectWeights.append( value0 ) continue if not node in blendAndFixedShapeCons: continue cons = cmds.listConnections( attr, p=1, c=1 ) targetAttr = cons[1] connectedIndex = int( targetAttr.split('[')[1].replace(']','' ) ) connectedValue = cmds.getAttr( cons[1] ) self._connectIndices.append( connectedIndex ) self._connectWeights.append( connectedValue )


示例12: ImportCustomTexture

def ImportCustomTexture(name):os.system("cd ~/maya/2014-x64/scripts; python")file = '/usr/tmp/texture.jpg'#create a shadershader=cmds.shadingNode( "blinn", asShader=True )#a file texture nodeshaderName = file_node=cmds.shadingNode( "file", asTexture=True )print shaderName#attach file to nodecmds.setAttr( '%s.fileTextureName' %file_node, file, type = "string") # a shading groupshading_group= cmds.sets(renderable=True,noSurfaceShader=True,empty=True)#connect shader to sg surface shadercmds.connectAttr('%s.outColor' %shader ,'%s.surfaceShader' %shading_group)#connect file texture node to shader's colorcmds.connectAttr('%s.outColor' %file_node, '%s.color' %shader)cmds.sets(name, edit=True, forceElement=shading_group)


示例13: perform

def perform(**kwargs):sel =[]for s in sel: sel3+=cmds.xform(s,q=True, ws=True, t=True)pointset=[]for i in xrange(len(sel3)/3): pointset+=[Vector(sel3[i*3],sel3[i*3+1],sel3[i*3+2])]bbox = BBox()bbox.obbFromPointSet(pointset)t = Transform(bbox.axis[0],bbox.axis[1],bbox.axis[2])t = t.transpose()z = t.getEuler()cube = cmds.createNode("polyCube")cubeShape = cmds.createNode("mesh")cubeTrans = cmds.listRelatives(cubeShape,p=True)[0]cmds.connectAttr(cube+".output",cubeShape+".inMesh")cmds.setAttr(cubeTrans+".tx",[0])cmds.setAttr(cubeTrans+".ty",[1])cmds.setAttr(cubeTrans+".tz",[2])cmds.setAttr(cubeTrans+".rz",degrees(z[2]))cmds.setAttr(cubeTrans+".ry",degrees(z[1]))cmds.setAttr(cubeTrans+".rx",degrees(z[0]))cmds.setAttr(cube+".width",bbox.max[0]-bbox.min[0])cmds.setAttr(cube+".height",bbox.max[1]-bbox.min[1])cmds.setAttr(cube+".depth",bbox.max[2]-bbox.min[2])cmds.sets(e=True,forceElement="initialShadingGroup")


示例14: _parentSurfaceFLCL

 def _parentSurfaceFLCL(self, constrained_obj, geo, deleteCPOMS=1): """ Parents object to follicle at closest point on surface. Select child transform, then select mesh to hold parent follicle. """ cpos = pmc.createNode('closestPointOnSurface', n='cpos_flcl_' + geo) mc.connectAttr(pmc.listRelatives(geo, shapes=True, children=True)[0] + '.local', cpos + '.inputSurface') obj_mtx = pmc.xform(constrained_obj, q=True, m=True) pmc.setAttr(cpos + '.inPosition', [obj_mtx[12], obj_mtx[13], obj_mtx[14]]) flclShape = pmc.createNode('follicle', n='flclShape' + geo) flcl = pmc.listRelatives(flclShape, type='transform', parent=True) pmc.rename(flcl, 'flcl_' + geo + '_1') mc.connectAttr(flclShape + '.outRotate', flcl[0] + '.rotate') mc.connectAttr(flclShape + '.outTranslate', flcl[0] + '.translate') mc.connectAttr(geo + '.worldMatrix', flclShape + '.inputWorldMatrix') mc.connectAttr(geo + '.local', flclShape + '.inputSurface') mc.setAttr(flclShape + '.simulationMethod', 0) u = mc.getAttr(cpos + '.result.parameterU') v = mc.getAttr(cpos + '.result.parameterV') pmc.setAttr(flclShape + '.parameterU', u) pmc.setAttr(flclShape + '.parameterV', v) pmc.parent(constrained_obj, flcl) if deleteCPOMS == 1: pmc.delete(cpos) return flcl


示例15: returnClosestUV

def returnClosestUV (targetObject,surface): """ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DESCRIPTION: Pass target object and surface into it and return the closest UV coordinates ARGUMENTS: targetObject(string) surface(string) RETURNS: UV(string) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> """ """ pass target object and surface into it and return the closest UV coordinates""" UVs = [] """ make the node """ tmpNode = mc.createNode ('closestPointOnSurface') """ to account for target objects in heirarchies """ tmpObj = rigging.locMeObjectStandAlone(targetObject) mc.connectAttr ((tmpObj+'.translate'),(tmpNode+'.inPosition')) mc.connectAttr ((surface+'.worldSpace'),(tmpNode+'.inputSurface')) UVs.append (mc.getAttr (tmpNode+'.u')) UVs.append (mc.getAttr (tmpNode+'.v')) mc.delete (tmpNode) mc.delete (tmpObj) return UVs



Python cmds.connectAttr函数代码示例 - 纯净天空 (2024)
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