30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (2024)

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Every year we welcome our elf, Tricksie (get it?) just after Thanksgiving and she stays until Christmas Eve (December 24) until she has to go back to help Santa at the North Pole. That means, we need about a month’s worth of Easy and Low Cost Elf on The Shelf Ideas to get us through the elf shenanigans.

This year, I am going to be prepared! I am planning my elf magic ideas now! And my plan is for them to be easy, quick and inexpensive to do. No more freaking out at the last minute and running around the house with wrapping paper and food dye!

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (1)

If you don’t have your elf on the shelf yet, you can get one here plus they have elf on the shelf accessories now too! And then, check out our easy elf ideas below!

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas

When your elf first arrives, wrap him up like a present and stick your elf under the Christmas tree. (We actually wrapped a box and a lid at my house and I just use the same one each year.)

Have your elf make Elf on The Shelf pancakes and leave them on the counter for the kids in the morning (you can even add chocolate chips to them – yum!)

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (2)

These little Elf-sized coloring sheets are crazy cute!

Let your elf have a sack race with the other stuffed animals in the house!

Use a toilet paper roll to wrap up your elf (perhaps they had an accident in the bathroom).

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (3)

Elves need showers, too! (She used toilet paper as towels. Brilliant.)

Use your KitchenAid mixer to get your elf stuck! So funny!

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (4)

Have your army men take your elf hostage! It could work with any toys honestly!

Sometimes your little elf needs a little nap. After all, scouting is exhausting.

Let your elf share a syrup shake with your Barbie doll. So cute.

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (5)

Have your elf make a mess in the kitchen and make snow angels using flour. So easy!

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (6)

One of my favorite easy elf on the shelf ideas is the marshmallow bath! Mini-marshmallows work great!

Print out this little kissing booth for your elf! Adorbs.

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (7)

I love toothpaste elf because he helps your kids get ready for school in the morning! Elves RULE! Hah! (you’re welcome mom)

Have your lego people tie down your elf! Love!

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (8)

Your elf can go fishing!

Okay, so this one takes a little bit of time, but we kept our wrapped toilet for the whole month of Christmas!

Elf on the Shelf can make lunch for the next day!

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (9)

My elf ALWAYS TP’s the tree. Everyone that comes over thinks we are insane!

Make a little snowman out of powdered donuts with your elf for a sweet surprise!

Elf Twister is super cute and super easy to make. You just print and you’re done!

Candy bowling for your elf on the shelf is adorable! It takes no time at all to set up! You can use little pieces of candy canes as the ball.

I love the idea of elves cutting paper snowflakes!

Make sure you feed your elf some cookies! Or else.

Let your elf wrap some presents!

Have your elf on the shelf write a cheerio note!

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (10)

Hang your elf from a slinky!

Your elf can make the most adorable little sprinkle angel. Like a snow angel but with sprinkles.

Or your elf can have a little fun with the scanner.

Your elf can never have too many google eyes!

More quick ideas:

  • Hang your elf from the ceiling fan
  • Have them make a bag of popcorn for a movie night
  • Have them putting up Christmas decorations
  • Give them a dry erase marker and have them leave a message on the bathroom mirror
  • Have your elf make hot cocoa for your kids
  • Put goldfish crackers in the bathroom sink and make it look like your elf is “fishing”
  • If you have a funny elf, use Hershey’s kisses to make it look like they left a trail of “poop” ha
  • Use a permanent marker to draw faces on bananas
  • Have your elf leave tasty treats in the fridge for your kids
30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (11)

More Elf on The Shelf Ideas

30 Easy And Low Cost Elf On The Shelf Ideas (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.