7 Tips for Finding Balance As A Teacher & Mom (2024)

Being a teacher and a mom is NO.EASY.TASK!!!

I mean motherhood alone is exhausting and challenging! Now try adding another 8 hours of teaching children into the mix and it’s enough to make anyone go mad… Heck at times life has gotten so hectic that I’ve even gone to work with two different colored shoes. Can you picture that? I don’t even want to think about what my parents were thinking when they saw me The sad part, is that I didn’t realize it until the end of the day. Sometimes I think it’s only a matter of time before I show up at work in fuzzy slippers!

7 Tips for Finding Balance As A Teacher & Mom (1)

So how do we juggle our crazy busy teacher lifeand are just as crazy mommy life? The reality is, that unless we learn to slow down and find a balance between the two, we’re headed for a serious nervous breakdown. Trust me, I’m speaking from experience… Been there, done that, and I can tell you that it’s not pretty.I’ve found that by setting some priorities and making a few simple changes, we can lead happier and healthier lives inside the classroom as well as at home.

The first thing we need to do is to train ourselves to …

Leave Work Behind

You can begin by leaving your school work in the classroom. DO NOT BRING WORK HOME! I’m serious… That means no papers to grade, no teachers editions, no lesson plans to complete, nada!!!!!! Leave all of your teacher worries at school. That’s where they belong in the first place. Your family deserves your undivided attention. {Remember… family first } Let’s be honest, most of the time you take your teacher bag loaded with papers to grade over the weekend and you never even get to it. So why even bother bringing them home? It’ll just make you feel guilty. Leave them at work. I promise they will be waitingfor you on Monday morning!

7 Tips for Finding Balance As A Teacher & Mom (2)

Do What Makes You Feel Good

As teachers and mothers, we’re used to taking care of everyone else but ourselves. Why is it that we always put ourselves last? We need to stop doing that! We need to love and take care of ourselves. Remember, in order for us to be able to take care of others, we need to be emotionally and physically healthy. That’s why it’s so important that we learn to schedule some “Me Time” in EVERY. SINGLE.DAY.

“Me Time” can be as simple as a 30 min bubble bath with absolutely no interruptions. It can also be an exercise class after school. Perhaps your guilty pleasure is an hour at night to watch your favorite Netflix episode. Whatever it is, make time for it! Set an alarm on your phone to go off at a certain time every day just to make sure you don’t get caught up in mommyhood. When your alarm goes off, leave your hubby in charge and let everyone know you’ll be back in 30 min to an hour. One more thing… don’t feel guilty about doing something for yourself #youareworthit

7 Tips for Finding Balance As A Teacher & Mom (3)

Prioritize Your To Do List

I bet you have a To Do List or 2 or 3 lists running at the same time… I know what it’s like because I use to be the same way! The problem was that looking at that list every day just served as a constant reminder of everything I had to do. This just caused me more stress and anxiety. I always felt that as I crossed 2 things off, 5 more magically appeared. I swear they were like Gremlins multiplying every time I turned my back!

I’m not suggesting that you toss out your To Do List… With my memory, if I did that I’d never get anything done. All I’m saying is that you learn to prioritize. I like to keep a master list in a notebook dedicated for school stuff. Every morning when I arrive at my classroom, the first thing I do is select 3 goals to complete by the end of the day. I like to call them Today’s Top 3. I then record these goals on a brightly colored Post-it and stick it on my computer so that it’s in my face all day long. Those are the only goals I will focus on for the day! If I accomplish those 3 things, then I’ve had a productive day and can choose to select another Top 3.

This method has not only helped me prioritize my To Do’s, but also relieved some of the stress I felt every time I glanced at my ridiculously long list. Since using this system, I have found that I am much more productive. At home, I follow the same process. The only difference is that I might use one Post-it for the entire week rather than one a day. {If you’d like to download directions for printing your own Today’s Top 3, you can do that right here. And if you’d like to read some more about them, check out this post.

7 Tips for Finding Balance As A Teacher & Mom (4)

Set A Check Out Time

Choose a time that you will leave work every afternoon. Try to pick something as close to dismissal as possible. You already dedicate 8 hours of your day to work, the last thing you want is to spend an additional 2-3 hours after school. Especially since you’re not getting paid for them and your family is waiting for you.

Once you’ve chosen a time, set an alarm on your phone. When that alarm goes off, it’s time to check out. Forget about all the things on your list you have yet to cross off. Just pick up your bag and go. Also, this means no checking emails at home or communicating with parents. Once you are gone, consider yourself in Mommy mode. Anything that needs to get done will get done tomorrow. The best piece of advice I’ve heard comes from a country music superstar …

Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.

-Dolly Parton

7 Tips for Finding Balance As A Teacher & Mom (5)

Learn To Say No

This has been one of the hardest lessons for me to learn. I’m the type of person that likes to help others. When my admin calls me and asks me to join a committee or attend a PD, I’m there. However, I’ve quickly learned that because I am always saying yes, my free time is quickly filling up with tasks for everyone else but myself. This has resulted in more of my “free” time being taken away, higher stress levels, and more anxiety! Can’t tell you how many sleepless nights I’ve had thinking about a PD I have to organize and present all while completing my regular teaching duties.

I have come to terms that when you are a responsible, hardworking individual who says yes a lot, your workload automatically doubles and triples. Why? Because everyone and their mothers come to you to complete the tasks that they know others are not willing to do. That is, until the day you learn to respectively say No!

It took me a very long time and quite a few meltdowns to finally realize that it was in my best interest to be selective about what tasks I choose to take on. So learn to say no to your admin, learn to say no to your colleagues, learn to say no to those responsibilities that do not bring happiness to your life. As a result, this will free up some time for you to say YES to those commitments that bring you the most amount of joy! Life is too short to spend it doing other peoples work.

7 Tips for Finding Balance As A Teacher & Mom (6)

Organize Your Days

Children and adults strive for routine. Not only does it help us know what to expect, but from a planning perspective, it makes things so much easier to prepare for. So learn to organize your days.

Begin at school by deciding which tasks you’re going to complete on each day of the week. For example, on Mondays, I like to begin planning for the following weeks ELA lessons. Tuesdays are set aside for prepping for math instruction and Wednesdays are for content (science or social studies). Thursday is my copy, grading, and filing day. On this day I make sure I’ve prepared all the copies for the following week, graded some papers, and filed them away. Then on Friday, I sort all my copies for the upcoming week and make sure nothing’s missing. I also use this day to catch up on any tasks pending from the week.

I also keep a dinner schedule at home. On Mondays, we always eat a meal that includes chicken. Tuesdays are Taco night… so something with ground turkey it is. Wednesdays are our meaty night so I usually create a dish with flank steak or pot roast. Thursday is reserved for leftovers (Yay, mom gets a rest!) and Friday is pizza night. Saturday is family night, so we usually go out to eat (Yay, another day off from the kitchen!) and Sundays I usually make Italian sausage or meatballs… something that’s somewhat precooked and easy to prep is what I look for. Especially since sometimes I use Sundays to pre-cook meals for the upcoming week.

7 Tips for Finding Balance As A Teacher & Mom (7)

Meal Plan

One of my stressors is getting home from an exhausting day at work having to figure out what to make for dinner. That’s why I’ve committed to planning my weekly meals on Saturday. Not only does this eliminate the “I get home starving and down a bag of chips before I can even think about dinner syndrome”, but I’ve found that it also encourages me to cook healthier meals. As a matter of fact, those weeks that I do NOT meal plan are just a disaster in my house.

There are 2 apps that I absolutely love to use while meal planning. The first one is Pinterest. My family is not the easiest one to feed. I mean my husband has a gluten allergy, my daughter does not eat seafood at all, and my son loves healthy options. So coming up with new meal ideas can be frustrating! That’s why I like to count on my trusty friend… Pinterest. He never lets me down

This is where my second favorite app, Paprika comes into play. It cost about $4.99 but has been the best $5 investment I’ve made so far. With Paprika you can save any recipe you find on the web. Once you copy and paste the URL of the page where you found the recipe, Paprika automatically imports a picture of the meal, an ingredients list, and the directions. This means you no longer have to scroll through an entire post just to locate the recipe. Oh, and you can also save your recipes into folders such as Chicken, Meat, Seafood, etc… Can you say lifesaver! After you’ve made the recipe, go back in and give it star ratings based on your families reviews. If you need to double or triple a recipe, it’s also as easy as clicking on “scale and convert”. Paprika will then automatically convert the ingredients list for you. Can I please get an AMEN?!?!

Do you have a few tricks of your own for juggling mommyhood and your teaching career? If so, I’d love to hear from you!!! I’m always on the look out for new tricks of the trade…

7 Tips for Finding Balance As A Teacher & Mom (8)

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7 Tips for Finding Balance As A Teacher & Mom (9)

7 Tips for Finding Balance As A Teacher & Mom (2024)


How to balance being a mom and teacher? ›

The 7 Teacher-Mom Boundaries I Live By
  1. During my contract hours, I'm all in. ...
  2. Maximize time to connect with family. ...
  3. I don't work on weekends, breaks, holidays, or during my 30-minute lunch. ...
  4. I limit my phone use while I am home. ...
  5. I give myself grace. ...
  6. My family always comes first.
Apr 19, 2022

How to balance work school and being a mom? ›

10 Tips for Balancing Parenthood and School
  1. Keep Yourself Fueled. ...
  2. Look into Your Institution's Resources. ...
  3. Create a Firm Schedule. ...
  4. Utilize Time-Saving Tips. ...
  5. Meal Prep on the Weekends. ...
  6. Cooperate with Your Family. ...
  7. Explore Different Child Care Options. ...
  8. Get Enough Sleep.

How to find balance as a teacher? ›

Some example goals include:
  1. Set a time to finish each day during the term. ...
  2. Set free time to rest properly on weekends and weeknights.
  3. Sign up to a regular activity, such as a class or club. ...
  4. Set aside 15 minutes to meditate daily.
  5. Take your entire lunch break!
  6. Set time to move your body. ...
  7. Separate home and work.

How do you find your balance in motherhood? ›

With that in mind, here are a few ways you can create life balance as a working mom.
  1. Consider the season you're in. ...
  2. Give yourself grace. ...
  3. Prioritize your spouse (if you're married). ...
  4. Don't try to do it all. ...
  5. Let go of the mom guilt. ...
  6. Wherever you are, be there. ...
  7. Make time for rest. ...
  8. Get up before the kids.
Nov 21, 2023

How can a mother balance work and family? ›

Life balance is possible, through setting boundaries, relying on family and friends, creating a solid schedule, and engaging in healthy priorities such as self-care. In this day and age, women can truly have it all - a happy home and a fulfilling, successful career.

How do you balance family and work at school? ›

« Back
  1. Plan out your degree and goals. ...
  2. Develop your academic and technical skills. ...
  3. Work with your family and include your children. ...
  4. Seek out a community. ...
  5. Ask for help. ...
  6. Take care of yourself and schedule time to relax. ...
  7. Get organized and stay that way. ...
  8. Create a space that is your own for studying.

What is the balance method of teaching? ›

The balanced literacy approach to teaching uses both phonics and whole word teaching techniques. Furthermore, balanced literacy is a type of curriculum that is commonly used in schools. Prior to balanced literacy approaches, most literacy programs taught only phonics or only whole language techniques.

How do teachers balance work and family? ›

1 Set boundaries. One of the first steps to balance your work and personal life is to set clear and realistic boundaries between them. This means defining your working hours, limiting your availability for emails and calls, and avoiding bringing work home as much as possible.

How to create a teacher work-life balance? ›

Tips for Maintaining Work-Life Balance as a Teacher
  1. Identify and eliminate nonessential tasks. ...
  2. Develop close relationships with colleagues. ...
  3. Take a break. ...
  4. Invest in professional development. ...
  5. Celebrate your accomplishments. ...
  6. Set physical and mental boundaries between work and home. ...
  7. Engage in hobbies.
Jun 15, 2021

What is moms golden rule? ›

The Golden Rule Movement encourages moms to do what they do best, teach kindness to others.

How do you measure success as a mother? ›

Success in parenting can't be defined by one specific metric. It's a combination of various things, like setting realistic goals, encouraging independence, building strong relationships, promoting positive values, and supporting our kids' passions.

Can you be a teacher and a mother? ›

They're probably the two most demanding, challenging, and rewarding jobs in the world, all at the same time. Trying to juggle both together is an impossible task that teacher-moms are faced with every day. You do everything you can to be the best for your students and everything you can to be the best for your family.

How to be a teacher and a new mom? ›

Compartmentalizing our time is key. “

When you are at home with your own children, keep them your focus. They don't know that you are focused on your students at school and vice versa. But, your own children will know if you are spending your weekend lesson planning and laminating instead of spending time with them.

Is being a teacher a good job for a mom? ›

While the job of a teacher isn't easy, it's also seen as one of the most rewarding jobs you can have. Mom-Friendly Job Perks: Minimize additional childcare needs by working the same hours that your kids are in school, plus get summers off.

Is it possible to have work-life balance as a teacher? ›

With so much to accomplish in so little planning time, teachers with work-life balance have scheduled their days down to the minute. They know the best times to go into the teachers' lounge without being pulled into a lengthy gab session and when to dash to the copy room to avoid waiting in line.

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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.